A web page is not only the address of the company on the web, but also an important digital channel that transmits company's quality policy, products, services, news and announcements to the whole world instantly. People who get information about your company or other companies that will do business with your company see your website first and get information. This is a very important imp
No matter how much technology and fashion have changed throughout all periods of time, people have needed places to stay. As NŞM Agriculture family, we put our signatures under designs of necessary mass housings, factories, workplaces, etc. beyond the age together with our team working with experience and foresightedness gained during many years. By providing customer satisfaction with world
We consume many products in our daily life or business life. But most of these products are not produced in our region, they come from outside the city or abroad. As NŞM Agriculture, we properly carry out safe, fast transportation and fulfill logistical needs of our customers and companies with a wide vehicle fleet by adapting to developing technology. Just as the factors in production proce
As NŞM Agriculture family, we have taken coal as a reference in fuel which is one of the greatest needs of today’s world. Starting coal service in Konya and Ankara, we supply coal to many different cities of Turkey. As NŞM Agriculture, we transport quality coal to many different regions with our own fleets based on our works carried out together with leading names of the sector in our
As NŞM Agriculture family, we provide great service to our farmers and big companies in terms of product supply and consultancy with the advantage of being established in Konya which is a granary of our country and with our experience which is a heritage inherited from generation to generation. Besides having high cereal purchasing power, we provide efficient product service above world stan
Agricultural pesticides and fertilizers are as much important as organic, quality agricultural products for human health. As well as importance of fertilizers in terms of human health, they are needed for development of plants and essential for production of plants. As NŞM Agriculture family, we offer our quality products to companies and farmers at affordable prices with our qualified team